Sedation Dentistry Can Help You Feel Calm and Comfortable During Oral Surgery

Sedation dentistry uses medication to help you relax and sit still comfortably when you have dental work done. Sedation is especially helpful if you have oral surgery by relieving any anxiety and making you comfortable. There are varying degrees of medication sedation that can be used such as light or minimal sedation, medium or moderate sedation, and deep sedation. Light... read more »

Good Oral Health Starts in the Home and Continues With Great Dental Care

Good oral health is essential for a healthy smile. The mouth is home to colonies of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, and when controlled by daily brushing and flossing, your oral health can thrive. Conversely, consuming a high sugar diet that feeds the bad bacteria creates harmful acids that erode your tooth enamel and lead to cavities. It also happens... read more »

What Are Periodontists and What Can They Do for Your Gums?

Dentists who concentrate in the areas of the mouth specific to the gum, bone, and tissues that protect and support your teeth are called periodontists. Periodontists immerse themselves in an additional three or more years of in-depth, graduate studies after dental school. It allows them to graduate with knowledge of how to perform both cosmetic and restorative periodontal procedures. They... read more »

A Gum Graft Can Fix Receding Gums and Restore Your Beautiful Smile

Good oral hygiene is essential to healthy gums. When gum problems arise, such as gum recession, it can affect your oral health and your appearance. Receding gums result in the gum tissue wearing away and leaving your tooth roots exposed and vulnerable to root decay. These nerve endings often leave you with tooth sensitivity from temperature extremes when you eat... read more »